
Client: YWCA Canberra

Year: 2021-22

Project Synopsis:

Go Equal provided the Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) expertise to develop an online training module for Workplace Sexual Harassment, including developing storyboards for each module and other necessary resources.

Country/Regional Scope: Australia

Link: https://ywca-canberra.org.au/


Client: World YWCA

Year: 2021-2022

Project Synopsis:

Go Equal developed an advocacy map for the World YWCA that succinctly outlined the focus areas of their advocacy, the rationale of their advocacy focus, and an implementation path.

Country/Regional Scope: Global

Link: https://www.worldywca.org/


Client: Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR)

(Commonwealth Government Agency)

Year: 2021

Project Synopsis:

Go Equal conducted an impact assessment of Meryl Williams Fellowship, a women’s leadership program of ACAIR. The project evaluated progress of this program to date and informed any future iterations.  It set out how this women’s leadership program may (or may not) impact the drivers for organisational and institutional change in the agricultural research setting.

Country/Regional Scope: Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, and Indonesia

Link: https://www.aciar.gov.au/fellowships/meryl-williams-fellowship

May 2022

Go Equal conducted a Domestic and Family Violence (DFV) training for community women with CALD backgrounds in order to develop the basic knowledge of participants on Domestic and family violence. This session has increased the participants’ awareness and knowledge about how DFV is dealt in Australia through law, what supports are available, and so on.

July 2022

Client: ActionAid

Year: 2022

Project Synopsis:

Go Equal conducted an impact evaluation of the Young Women & Climate Change program of Shifting the Power Coalition (StPC). The evaluation sought to uncover the learning and impacts, through the perspective of StPC young women leaders. The Impact Assessment also assisted StPC to bring important evidence to provide Pacific Island government officials on how to engage and support young women’s participation in processes associated with climate change.

Country/Regional Scope: Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Island, Tonga, and Vanuatu

August 2022

Go Equal has initiated and piloted a social enterprise, Crafting My Story is a social enterprise that provides an online platform for culturally and linguistically diverse women living in Australia, where these artisans promote and sell their products, connect to their customers, and network with other artisans both in Australia and their home countries.

Crafting My Story provides opportunities for training and capacity building for the entrepreneurs and provides them with a platform to network and connects with their customers and other entrepreneurs and shares their stories.

February 2023
Go Equal facilitated a two-day online Learning Exchange Workshop as part of CAPABLE project, a capacity-building initiative that was designed and implemented by ActionAid with the aim to increase women’s leadership capacity to participate in and connect national and global agendas on Climate Change by enhancing the capacity of local women leaders and practitioners in Cambodia and Vanuatu.

Go Equal has been working as the Lead Facilitator of the Intergenerational Learning Circle of SiTara’s Story titled ‘Break the Barrier’ that aims to identify issues, raise awareness, and start a conversation within the community and the policymakers regarding mental health issues among young people from multicultural communities so that the intergenerational gap can be minimised. This project intends to bring the issue to the forefront of both Government as well as community discussions through a series of discussions, in-depth interviews, and more activities that are being conducted among the community members. A policy paper will be drafted to address these issues.